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36章至72章:A list of cages小說 [讀原文小說]

37 章175頁   I just figured you’d be pumped to drive. 我沒想到pump可以這樣使用,這裡是指心跳很快的開車嗎? 我只想到你可能戰戰兢兢地開車,可以這樣翻嗎?

37章實用句一例:Jesse’s first to hop inside, and immediately he grabs the auxiliary code to plug in his iPod.   Auxiliary cord是指an auxiliary audio input cable in order to play music off a mobile device.

42章 202頁  I smack my elbows against the walls.這裡smack…..against該怎樣翻中文比較順;  用手肘捶/敲牆(想要掙脫)

50章 235頁  She grabs his other arm, ties a rubbery rope around it, then slaps it with the back of her gloved hand.打針前手綁橡皮繩的情形。

50章236頁  牆上的壁畫用mural這個字. The main wall’s covered in a mural of jungle and farm animals all living together in perfect harmony under an enormous rainbow.

50章237頁  眼淚能用streak迅速移動,而streak down? When tears start streaking down her face, I pull her into a hug.

51 章238頁  Guardian ad litem訴訟監護人 : litem單一單字查無意思耶,因不單獨存在。 由法院指定的一種特殊監護人,代表未成年人、被監護人或胎兒的利益進行訴訟,其監護人的身份限於訴訟進行期間。

52章 241頁  He claws the air, then tries to yank the tubes from his nose.他用手在空中抓,然後試著從他鼻子拔管。

52 章241頁  The bones in his wrists are grotesque knobs. 他手腕的骨頭是醜陋的圓形凸起。 Knobs在此怎樣翻比較好?

53章 244頁  He nods when I land on the Disney Channel. 原來電視節目轉到某頻道用land這個動詞,打開遙控器用click on, 一直換節目頻道用flip through the channels.  句子蠻實用的。

58章260頁  At least try the pudding? ……I tear away the plastic lid and plunge in the spoon.  撕去布丁的塑膠蓋並把湯匙伸進布丁裡。

63章276頁  His bruises have faded, but you can still make them out like smudges around his eyes and mouth.  這句感覺很實用!  他瘀青已褪,但你仍能從他眼和嘴周圍污跡般痕跡區別出來。

70章 302頁  She points over my head to a tree with limbs that extend over the lake.  這裡limb=branch

71章307頁  He grabs the loose sheets, wildly tearing them into shreds. 主角(從spiral notebook裡撕下)零散的(筆記)紙一>撕成碎片

終於讀完小說A list of cages了~開心~全書310頁 

第二本書是 Hidden figures關鍵少數:談到美國太空總署裡面三位美籍非裔女性的貢獻,電影非常好看.激起我想要讀小說的動力; 第二本書270多頁~可是字體密密麻麻~Hidden figures (Young Reader's Edition)有1120 lexile這樣高~似乎很難

加油吧~ 希望8月份中旬能夠讀完~預定約在3,7,8三個閱讀完這第二本書

2018-02-28 18:16  nice!(0)  コメント(0) 

A list of cages第1章到35章重點討論 [讀原文小說]

我最近利用過年期間把小說A list of cages讀到第35章節~剛好是一半;先把重點句子:我提出過的疑問~貼在共讀賴團裡的問題討論;整理後貼在這裡

WHEN I WAS a sophomore, Principal Pearce read some study on the inverse correlation between temperature and academic performance, and there was no turning back. He cranked the AC so high that even if it’s scorching out, inside we have to dress for a Siberian winter. The cafeteria’s the only room in the school that was spared his policy of Freezing Us Into Learning, so the second I walk in, I start tearing off clothes.    At the same time I twist my body sideways, winding through the dangerously crowded room. My friends and I have to cram into a table that shouldn’t seat more than ten, which means finding a chair’s like a game of Twister. When you combine the sudden heat, stripping, and intertwining limbs, lunch is basically soft-core-porn-time.

A list of cages這邊的故事大意是在說 : 主角大二的時候,因為老師的要求,所以就算在室內很熱,還是要包的跟希伯來人一樣厚。等到進去之後,要開始找位子,可是人又好多,只好用鑽的(長椅正常來說只能容納X人,但是卻有多餘X的人在上面坐)。最後,熱氣那些交織起來,感覺就像是soft-core-porn time(soft-core就是沒有那麼"誇張"的情色片。情色片如果是softcore表示內容多數是借位,不是真的來的)

He knocked down their towers in the block center.

Flip at random或許可以看成隨便翻 就好,White fluffy guts explode from its stomach as it swings from the chandelier by its jump-rope noose.
是枝形吊燈;noose是絞索或套索; 整句是形容卡通Sylvester娃娃慘不忍睹情況,但精確翻?為何用吊燈這單字; 這邊as it swingsit是前一段的the cat doll,因為這隻娃娃被吊著,內臟也被挖出來(這邊比較像娃娃被挖開內部),所以有人甩、搖的時候,娃娃裡面的那些棉花會跑出來(white fluffy gutsguts是腸道,作者有些擬人化)

Cages 7章有個非常有意思的詞 kayak angst,不能用google翻譯會翻不出正確意,它是焦慮症一種。A list of cages8章有句真的描寫生動:It took a few meetings with our reading buddies before I realized that kindergarteners were a lot like manic-depressives, vacillating between euphoria and despair with terrifying speed.
躁狂抑鬱症,vacillating 猶豫。第46Cages8章中形容閱讀困難症的Julian 的字跡用幾個字描述,Staggered, backward lettershieroglyphics, not English.

A list of cages8章也有些美國文化的詞或片語;bounty hunter 獎金獵人
manic-depressives;  joke shops;  page-turners;  Swiss Family Robinson;  Nick at Nite

原來胃打結英文也這樣說Cages, p52.  He pauses, and my stomach knots while I wait for him to decide.

張開或伸出的手英文這樣說Cages, p53.  I put it in his outstretched hand.

這翻譯好怪,有沒有更正確的?There is a sudden leap in his throat and the slightest catch in his voice when he says, “take off your shirt.”  這邊根據我看到文章上下文來判斷,劇情應該是女與男在一個臥房,等女生把東西交到男生手上後,男生可能就想要侵犯女生~這邊catch的意思我個人認為是比較像是a hidden problem的感覺,也就是有蹊蹺。(當平時不怎麼對你好的人突然提供好東西給你,或是你可能用極為小的代價獲得價值高的東西,就會問 What’s the catch?)

Skin doesn’t get thicker. Instead, it remembers.感覺好悲哀

Cages10章有句話很實用The pain has lessened, but I can still feel each cut stretching my skin when I move.上面那句話是形容主角Julian的遭遇,我看了覺得他除了閱讀障礙還是過悲劇的生活。

ISSdetention似乎不同?看完冗長定義,in-school suspension到底是留校察看還是愛校服務

Detention放學後留校懲罰: a punishment in which a student is required to stay at school after the rest of the students have left; 根據網站給的定義 ISS分成許多種類,根據不一樣狀況給不同的內容(punitive, academic, therapeutic, or individual),所以比較像是一種概括性的說法。網站說ISS is a tool that is seen as educational. It is a positive setting that allows teachers, administrators, and counselors to reach out in preemptive ways to help students who may be struggling with issues that are social, emotional, or behavioral.  目標則是The goal of ISS is to help the student stay on top of the work, while helping the student figure out what may be causing the behavior that is keeping him from succeeding.  根據Macmillan給的意思,detentiona punishment for a child in which they have to stay at school after the other children have gone home,比較是負面的涵義

秀出2頭肌慣用語,cages 11章也有寫squeeze his bicep

Julian seems smaller because he’s always bent like he’s ducking a low ceiling.
我在monkey me 裡讀到duck3次,這本小說也有,外國人超愛用duck當動詞用法

眼睛直視的用法可用He just stared straight ahead like a sleepwalker.

沒人能遇那種極大的痛苦還能活的可用此句No one should be capable of that sort of agony and still live.

把枕頭拉到臉旁Still sobbing, he pulled a pillow over his face.  拉開枕頭Afraid he was going to suffocate, I pulled it away.以前並不清楚把枕頭靠近臉該怎樣表達,這本cages小說展現大量生活化的英文片語,或句子表達方式很美式英文。文法是否怪怪的?我查resemble不用進行式也不用被動式Cages, p-62

At first it seemed like he was never going to be anything resembling himself again, like he would always be sad.這個是關代變化的結果。原本是anything that resembled himself; 如同有些動詞的確不用進行式,可是在這樣的句型卻不得不用I have been always wanting to do that.

這句似乎生活中也用得上Julian gasped as he spun the world backward and brought her back to life.

沈迷遊戲Lately we’ve all become obsessed with The Game, which is basically Truth or Dare without the opinion to choose truth.

12章有些有趣的片語和搭配詞Snap one’s finger 意思是 彈手指~溫度計的蓋子是用保險套那個字stuffs a thermometer into a thermometer condom把溫度計塞在舌下用shove 這動詞。

Cages 16He dumps the box on its side and dozens of small wooden blocks tumble out.疊疊樂的積木掉出來的動詞用tumble很生動; Tumble:倒下,摔倒,滾下

看到85頁,"We can play Sorry next, “什麼是sorry next game? 有人玩過嗎只找到sorry 桌遊,但跟文章講的Sorry next似乎不同遊戲

18章,90頁 There’s a certain inflection to my name, the same tone people use to say honey or sweetheart. 18章,91頁 這2句中用動詞用的詭異:

1 為何用disembark, From the living room window, I see carloads of older kids disembarking and spilling across the lawn.

2 為何用shrug, While he’s shrugging on his jacket, I bolt out the back door, setting off a motion sensor light.原來形容心痛可用sting?  He doesn’t like me, which isn’t so unexpected, but it still stings.

Disembark是下車;所以說 主角看到孩子下車 然後像是人群散開一樣(用spill)

這裡race off 到底該翻什麼? 網路查到急速下車,但這句應不是After a while Adam comes back and says hello to me, but then he races off again, 這句子感覺這個人很匆忙 所以講完掰掰之後 可能開車疾駛離開 

Shrug on ones jacket 我解讀的動作像是 穿上夾克要調整 所以會用肩膀去調整 那個動作很類似聳肩

Take off我查到意思有: 脫去,起飛,休假,離開  I thought they couldn’t take off points for spelling. 這裡take off 怎麼翻比較好? __拿走__拼字分數?

20…I peel out of the parking lot, ….peel out 好像只能意會,無法精準翻?

What you do when your car/getaway ride is slowed, stopped, or parked, and you need to get out of the area quickly. Accelerate the vehicle, causing the tires to squeal. This is ‘to peel out’  意思類似加速行駛離開的感覺,可以想像駕駛踩油門,輪胎因摩擦等產生的那種噪音。這邊文章前面一句是as soon as Allison, Jesse, Camila, and Aeneas pile in back next to him, I peel out of the parking lot…感覺動作上很匆忙,一上車坐好,立刻出發的感覺(參考看看)

21章,原來車子或車輪打滑的動詞用skid...I pedal my bicycle faster, skidding over patches of ice.

 33章形容遊戲就要開始可用commence較正式  The game will commence in three …two…one!

形容人多像瀑布似大量傾瀉用cascade Much more cautiously, everyone else cascades from the room until I’m left standing alone.  34 章152頁提到family feud  34章155頁,意外發現作者有反耶和華見證人的傾向I’m serious. And he wouldn’t even invite me in. Like I’m a vampire or a Jehovah’s Witness or something.  It is a smile painted around a sneer.Sneer 是嘲笑; 整句怎樣翻比較好?我個人覺得是「是帶有嘲諷/嘲笑意味的微笑」


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讀原文小說 ブログトップ
