
36章至72章:A list of cages小說 [讀原文小說]

37 章175頁   I just figured you’d be pumped to drive. 我沒想到pump可以這樣使用,這裡是指心跳很快的開車嗎? 我只想到你可能戰戰兢兢地開車,可以這樣翻嗎?

37章實用句一例:Jesse’s first to hop inside, and immediately he grabs the auxiliary code to plug in his iPod.   Auxiliary cord是指an auxiliary audio input cable in order to play music off a mobile device.

42章 202頁  I smack my elbows against the walls.這裡smack…..against該怎樣翻中文比較順;  用手肘捶/敲牆(想要掙脫)

50章 235頁  She grabs his other arm, ties a rubbery rope around it, then slaps it with the back of her gloved hand.打針前手綁橡皮繩的情形。

50章236頁  牆上的壁畫用mural這個字. The main wall’s covered in a mural of jungle and farm animals all living together in perfect harmony under an enormous rainbow.

50章237頁  眼淚能用streak迅速移動,而streak down? When tears start streaking down her face, I pull her into a hug.

51 章238頁  Guardian ad litem訴訟監護人 : litem單一單字查無意思耶,因不單獨存在。 由法院指定的一種特殊監護人,代表未成年人、被監護人或胎兒的利益進行訴訟,其監護人的身份限於訴訟進行期間。

52章 241頁  He claws the air, then tries to yank the tubes from his nose.他用手在空中抓,然後試著從他鼻子拔管。

52 章241頁  The bones in his wrists are grotesque knobs. 他手腕的骨頭是醜陋的圓形凸起。 Knobs在此怎樣翻比較好?

53章 244頁  He nods when I land on the Disney Channel. 原來電視節目轉到某頻道用land這個動詞,打開遙控器用click on, 一直換節目頻道用flip through the channels.  句子蠻實用的。

58章260頁  At least try the pudding? ……I tear away the plastic lid and plunge in the spoon.  撕去布丁的塑膠蓋並把湯匙伸進布丁裡。

63章276頁  His bruises have faded, but you can still make them out like smudges around his eyes and mouth.  這句感覺很實用!  他瘀青已褪,但你仍能從他眼和嘴周圍污跡般痕跡區別出來。

70章 302頁  She points over my head to a tree with limbs that extend over the lake.  這裡limb=branch

71章307頁  He grabs the loose sheets, wildly tearing them into shreds. 主角(從spiral notebook裡撕下)零散的(筆記)紙一>撕成碎片

終於讀完小說A list of cages了~開心~全書310頁 

第二本書是 Hidden figures關鍵少數:談到美國太空總署裡面三位美籍非裔女性的貢獻,電影非常好看.激起我想要讀小說的動力; 第二本書270多頁~可是字體密密麻麻~Hidden figures (Young Reader's Edition)有1120 lexile這樣高~似乎很難

加油吧~ 希望8月份中旬能夠讀完~預定約在3,7,8三個閱讀完這第二本書

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